[포켓몬도감] No. 219 마그카르고 Magcargo #219
- 포켓몬도감
- 2022. 2. 4.
포켓몬 특성
분류 용암포켓몬
몸무게 55.0kg
키 0.8m
타입 불꽃 바위
성별 ♂ ♀
특성 마그마의무장, 불꽃몸
포켓몬 특징
등껍질은 깨어지기 쉬우며 가끔 체내를 순환하고 있는 고열의 불꽃을 뿜어낸다.
몸이 항상 일렁이고 있으며 용암처럼 뜨겁다. 때때로 껍데기에서 불티가 샌다.
Magcargo’s shell is actually its skin that hardened as a result of cooling. Its shell is very brittle and fragile—just touching it causes it to crumble apart. This Pokémon returns to its original size by dipping itself in magma.
Magcargo’s body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Water is vaporized on contact. If this Pokémon is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog.
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